Plastics Tracker – Global

2020 to 2023

The Foundation has been pleased to be involved with the Plastic Tracker Project which aims to stem the flow of plastic products creating global health and environmental issues.


Fellow Supporters

  • James and Marion Taylor

  • Minderoo Foundation

  • Flotilla Foundation

  • Plastics Solutions Fund

The Foundation is proud to acknowledge Minderoo Foundation along with James and Marion Taylor for initiating and generous co-participation in the project.

'Plastic Tracker' was initially a 3-year program with a total funding of £2.1 million. The backbone of funding was provided by The Foundation together with James and Marion Taylor.


The project assists in creating a more sustainable plastics industry and supports this transition by:

  • Identifying supply chain elements generating the most adverse issues.

  • Analysing their financial values.

  • Providing transparency on dealing and business relationships of these elements.

Having initially identified key players, material flows, and financial trends within the industry, Plastic Tracker is expanding its scope. This current phase delves deeper into the global waste trade, analysing the financial impact and revealing the movement and accumulation of plastic waste across borders.


Carbon credits and Blue Carbon projects


Shark Bay (Gathaagudu) Research – Western Australia